By Khusnul Khotimah | Indonesia 


Josua lovingly washes his father’s feet in a heartwarming scene. | Photo courtesy of Khusnul Khotimah | Indonesia | 2024/06/09 

When 18-year-old Josua washed his father’s feet, 57-year-old Jhonnes could not hold back his tears. The Tzu Chi volunteers in Tangerang then read a poem about a father's sacrifices, which moved Josua to tears as well. "Dad, please forgive me. I’ve made so many mistakes and often talked back to you," Josua softly said. 

 Foot-Washing Activity Touches Everyone 

Jhonnes embraced his son Josua, who is battling cancer. Raising four children on his own, Jhonnes was deeply touched when Josua not only washed his feet but also served him tea and snacks, filling his heart with joy. 

"I’ve raised my kids by myself, and this is the first time I’ve experienced such a foot-washing activity. It feels like all my sacrifices have been repaid by my child. Though not in ways like work or supporting the family, I am truly moved," said Jhonnes, who has been a single father for many years. 

On June 9, 2024, volunteers encouraged Josua (fourth from left) and his family to strengthen their bond with one another. | Photo courtesy of Khusnul Khotimah | Indonesia | 2024/06/09 

To celebrate Global Mother’s Day in a unique way, Tzu Chi volunteers in Tangerang divided into 11 groups and visited care recipients' homes, inviting children to wash their parents' feet. 

"This foot-washing ceremony was very inspiring," explained volunteer Fera. "Some of the care recipients have limited mobility and rarely leave their homes, so it’s usually their children or family members who come to collect the monthly aid." 

Volunteers prepared the foot-washing supplies and brought hot tea and snacks for Josua to serve his father. Fera and Yuniwati even wrote a poem as a gift for Josua’s father: 

Seasons change endlessly and years pass by,   

But the love of parents for their children remains eternal.   

Filial piety is the most important of all virtues. 

Honor your parents and create a beautiful life;   

Value morality and never forget filial piety; 

Never let down the love of your parents. 


The volunteers hoped this poem would convey the importance of filial piety and that Josua would grasp its meaning. 


Deepening a Father-Son Bond 

"We were all deeply moved by the scene. We saw Josua’s father crying, and Josua was also moved to tears. Usually, boys are not very emotional, but he was truly touched. Perhaps because he is ill, he can better understand his father’s hardships," Fera added. 

Josua and his father embrace, both deeply moved. | Photo courtesy of Khusnul Khotimah | Indonesia | 2024/06/09 

In September 2023, Josua was diagnosed with stage 3 cancer and has since undergone eight rounds of chemotherapy. In July 2024, he underwent a CT scan, after which the doctors would decide the next course of treatment. Currently, Josua is also preparing to enter high school. 

Tzu Chi volunteers in Tangerang began assisting Josua in December 2023, providing financial support for medical expenses not covered by national health insurance and for the formula milk recommended by his doctor. "We hope Josua can keep up his fighting spirit. Seeing him healthier and more cheerful now, I believe there’s a great hope for his recovery. We also hope his father continues to stay strong and supports his son throughout the treatment," Fera said. 

The volunteers' care has left a deep impression on Josua. Through this foot-washing activity, he is resolved to honor his father even more. "Only Tzu Chi volunteers visit me like this. I’m so grateful for all the help you’ve given me," he said. 

After the home visits, the volunteers returned to the Tangerang office to share their experiences and reflections from the day. | Photo courtesy of Khusnul Khotimah | Indonesia | 2024/06/09

Bodhisattvas are drawn to those who suffer. The volunteers' heartfelt care deeply touched both father and son, warming their hearts. This deeply moving foot-washing ceremony left them with lasting memories filled with emotion.