More than Half a Century of Compassion: The Story of Tzu Chi

The Buddhist Tzu Chi Foundation is a volunteer-based organization founded by Dharma Master Cheng Yen in 1966, with its headquarters in Taiwan. It is an international charity organization devoted to spreading Great Love in the fields of Charity, Medicine, Education, and Culture. It later expanded its work to International Relief, Bone Marrow Donation, Environmental Protection, and Community Volunteerism. Today, Tzu Chi has volunteers in 68 countries and regions, and has provided aid in more than 136 countries and regions.

In the early years, Dharma Master Cheng Yen and her first five monastic disciples raised funds by making and selling extra pairs of baby shoes. Her teachings inspired 30 housewives to put aside a TWD 50-cent coin (approx. 0.02 USD) into their personal bamboo banks every day before grocery shopping. These humble donations became charity funds that directly helped the local poor, elderly, and sick individuals.

Tzu Chi's goal is to spread the spirit of selfless Great Love around the world. Like a seed that produces more seeds, compassionate actions inspire more love, leading to a more peaceful and harmonious society.