Tzu Chi volunteers transported water trucks to impoverished villages to provide clean drinking water for residents. | Photo provided by Tzu Chi Foundation | Venezuela | 2023

The Economic Department of Foreign Trade of Venezuela has reported that the country's inflation rate soared to 176% in 2024, according to data from the Venezuelan Observatory of Finance (OVF). Tzu Chi volunteers in Venezuela have observed the dire situation in local society, including high unemployment rates and families struggling to afford food due to low wages. Daily power outages lasting 8 hours and only 3 hours of water supply per day add to the hardships. Many rural areas are unable to cultivate due to water shortages, and some residents face difficulties accessing drinking water. Additionally, soaring gasoline prices make it challenging for people to afford, leading many to walk or bike instead of using cars for transportation.

Tzu Chi volunteers brought supplies to visit elderly residents in nursing homes. | Photo provided by Tzu Chi Foundation |Venezuela | 2023

Tzu Chi-volunteer couple, Yuen-man Lin (劉炎暖) and Yim-Wan Ng Cheng (吳冉云) live simply, having cereal for breakfast, rice with an egg and vegetables for lunch, and more cereal and homemade bread for dinner. Despite their modest lifestyle, they persist in their humanitarian work in Venezuela. Since October 2023, they've led local volunteers to distribute clean water in poor villages, visit and comfort elderly residents in nursing homes, and help hundreds of needy families by giving them food.

Full Support and Endorsement from the Mayor

On September 20, 2023, Yuen-man Lin and Yim-Wan Ng Cheng visited Mayor Carmen Silva of Quibor. With great admiration for Tzu Chi’s selfless aid to those in need, she praised Master Cheng Yen for guiding volunteers with mindfulness and generosity. She also expressed a keen desire to personally meet Master Cheng Yen. Mayor Silva also hopes to wear the blue and white Tzu Chi uniform one day and pledged to safeguard the safety of Tzu Chi volunteers during their distributions.

Yuen-man Lin (left), Yim-Wan Ng Cheng (right) and Mayor Carmen Silva of Quibor (center) | Photo provided by Tzu Chi Foundation |Quibor, Venezuela | 2023

Due to a shortage of gasoline in the area, getting fuel can mean waiting for hours. Seeing the work of Tzu Chi volunteers, Mayor Silva announced that the city will give free gasoline to cars with the Tzu Chi logo. Acting quickly, the mayor called the gas stations to ensure free fuel for Tzu Chi. Furthermore, she has also offered to provide police support for volunteers when making home visits and conducting distributions if needed in the future.

Story by Tzu Chi Foundation
Edited by Ya-Ying Yang | Department of Literature and History