The cataract surgery went smoothly, and Grandma Maswah (left) embraced volunteer Cai Ju-hua (蔡菊花, right) with deep gratitude. (Photo by Metta Wulandari; 2023) 

"Thank you, Allah. Thank you all (volunteers) for everything," 65-year-old Grandma Maswah said emotionally as she hugged Tzu Chi volunteer Ju-hua Cai (蔡菊花). Thanks to a free clinic, she had regained her sight.

After a thorough examination following the medical consultation, Grandma Maswah was moved to tears. Cai comforted her warmly: "Can you see clearly now? I'm happy too, but, Grandma, please don't cry because your eyes still shouldn't come into contact with water." Grandma joyfully thanked Allah, saying: "Everyone looks so beautiful, handsome, and polite."

138th Large-scale Free Clinic

On May 27th and 28th, 2023, the Indonesian branch of Tzu Chi held its first large-scale free clinic at the Tzu Chi Hospital in Indonesia. This was the 138th large-scale free clinic organized by the Indonesian branch. A total of 83 medical personnel and 124 Tzu Chi volunteers served 95 patients. Grandma Maswah, from the Regency of Maja, West Java Province, specially traveled to Jakarta and stayed for three weeks to participate.

Grandmother Maswah

Previously her family wanted to pay for her surgery, but she declined for various reasons. She felt that she was in the twilight years of her life and did not want to burden her family or have her children go into debt for medical expenses. Thus she accepted the pain of losing her vision with equanimity. She explained that, although her children were self-sufficient, she used to work alongside them. In her younger days, she even worked as a laborer in Saudi Arabia, using her salary to help renovate the family home and contribute to household expenses.

Her independence and sacrifice for the sake of her descendants have shaped Grandma Maswah's broad-mindedness. Her husband has passed away, and most of her children live elsewhere. Currently, she resides next to her eldest son, who has suffered a stroke; her daughter-in-law and grandson take care of her daily needs.

Fortuitous Encounter

Cataracts in both eyes had left Grandma Maswah only able to distinguish light from darkness and left her unable to see anything; this caused great concern to her children. Her granddaughter, Imroatun Khasanah, who was about to marry, pleaded desperately: "Doesn't Grandma want to see me get married? By participating in the free clinic, you can witness my wedding."

Grandma Maswah (center) expressed her gratitude to her attending physician, Dr. Airina Stefani (right), and volunteer Huang Xiu-zhu (黃秀珠, left). (Photo by Metta Wulandari; 2023)

Upon learning that Tzu Chi provided free medical treatment, Grandma Maswah finally nodded in agreement. Imroatun, who accompanied her all the way to the medical outreach, felt deeply grateful for this auspicious connection with Tzu Chi at the right time.

A primary school teacher, she said with joy: "Watching Grandma undergo surgery was both worrisome and touching. I thank all the volunteers and medical personnel and look forward to Tzu Chi's free clinic benefiting more patients in need, and transforming their lives. May you, the volunteers, have longevity and may everything go smoothly for you."

Granddaughter Imroatun Khasanah (right) accompanied Grandma Maswah (left) in taking part in Tzu Chi's free clinic, and she was delighted that Grandma's cataract surgery went smoothly. (Photo by Metta Wulandari; 2023) 

The medical and humanitarian care provided by Tzu Chi during the free clinic deeply inspired Imroatun, and she aspires to become a Tzu Chi volunteer one day. "The companionship and hospitality of the volunteers make me happy. Seeing the beneficiaries' joy, I believe the givers must be even happier. The work that Tzu Chi volunteers do is truly remarkable. I look forward to seeing my aspirations come true in the future."

Cai smiled and said: "Of course! We warmly welcome you to become a volunteer, and don't forget to invite us to your wedding!" They bid farewell in a joyful atmosphere, hoping to maintain this auspicious connection.

Tzu Chi's free clinic was driven by the compassionate hearts of volunteers and benevolent medical personnel. It alleviated the suffering of those in poverty and illness. Volunteers selflessly accompany and care for the patients, ensuring their peace of mind during medical treatment. May every beneficiary of the outreach find relief from suffering and improve their lives.

A Jing Si Aphorism says: "The selfless dedication of hard work is great compassion. To offer labor and serve joyfully is called joyful giving."

Join Tzu Chi. Let us bring brightness and warmth to people’s hearts.

Story by Metta Wulandari from Indonesia |2023/05/31