In Warsaw, the capital of Poland, Tzu Chi held eight distribution sessions on two consecutive days from May 14 to 15, providing Ukrainian care recipients with gift cards and blankets. After getting to know Tzu Chi, people shared information with each other and felt the care like members of one family.

There were 2,101 people on the distribution list. Each received a gift card worth 2,000 Polish zlotys (about US$450), and each person over the age of six received an eco-blanket. A total of 1,763 people got blankets.

No more sorrow

At the distribution site, after each Ukrainian care recipient received the blessing, the sorrow on their faces was replaced by joy, peace, and hope.
The mother of Ukrainian care recipient Aishart said that they received the gift cards, and they could use them to go to the supermarket to buy goods.

Love words on notes

Previously, Tzu Chi and Ukrainian care recipients never knew each other. After several distributions, more and more Ukrainians came to know Tzu Chi. Some expressed their love in a note.

Tzu Chi Global Volunteer Supervisor Stephen Huang (黃思賢) said: “This is in Ukrainian, which means we are one family and Tzu Chi is so beautiful. As I received this on the spot, I was so moved. The founder of Tzu Chi, Master Cheng Yen, asked us to come to Poland to help Ukrainians and tell them that we're not only sympathetic, rather we're family.”

Love in Action

Fifty-six years ago, thirty members of Tzu Chi in Taiwan started saving NTD 50 cents (about US 2 cents) a day in a bamboo bank in order to help the needy.

After learning the spirit of the Tzu Chi bamboo bank, the Ukrainian care recipients also donated to charity.  Whatever they put in, it is love from their heart. And their love will accumulate and become a powerful strength to bring hope to the world.

Each person over the age of six receives an eco-blanket. (Image from Da Ai TV)

As Stephen Huang (up) reads the words of love on the note (down) from Ukrainian care recipients, he is very touched. (Image from Da Ai TV)
As Stephen Huang (up) reads the words of love on the note (down) from Ukrainian care recipients, he is very touched. (Image from Da Ai TV)
Each person contributes a little, which will bring hope to the world. (Image from Da Ai TV)
Tzu Chi volunteer Nadya Chou (left) and a Ukrainian volunteer carry donation boxes to receive money from the Ukrainian care recipients. (Image from Da Ai TV)